duminică, 26 septembrie 2010


...are those things which I can't put into consonants and vowels. But just listen... Isn't it that voice coming from outside and patiently arranging  my thoughts, my last two weeks time life in a perfect row of happy memories?
all you need is love. And all you really need is Gods love. all you can do is accept that. I said yes. After quite some time of calling, and struggeling. his love gave me people to take care of. And prayers were listened. I love the way of his love.
Gratefully for this empty room, and this loneliness, I praise his name with silent and peaceful heartbeats. each and every one of my breathing is happy to belong to God.
His gifts: lots of people to take care of, with words, with being there, with deeds, with thoughts and mostly with prayer. The happiness of the fact of others being loved by Him. Of listening to my prayer, when it was said for them. thank you God for loving my friends :)
His unexpectedly powerful peace, which makes his thoughts take root in my inner most self. His power to love and hope again and again, no matter how many times I had bruises because of this.
He gave me work to do, to work with children of all ages and teach them His love.
And he gives my life and love and peace again and again with every moment which passes by.
His love expires at one second from the second he gave it. But He never lets me out of this continuous miracle, of his always renewed love within my life.
I am still alive because the 'creatio continua', His never ending love and his constant trust in me.