duminică, 17 octombrie 2010

sunday afternoon

it was a nice weekend... kind of peacfull actually. And I kind of ... did nothing? I didn't had sunday school today, neither workshop with teenagers yesterday. I did visited the church community and we watched Evan Almighty and had a nice talk afterwards... I slept over there, with my room-mate. No difference at all :) But it was nice... To share her happiness, and have a nice good-night prayer toghether. I gave thanks to God for her, and her happiness right now, I hope it lasts finally :) And I also gave thanks for my own Happiness. And asked for it to last, and let me be his happiness.
it is strange though... I have nothing to do on some of my weekends... She says perhaps now is the time to be alone and rest... I feel like I should find a place to go and give my love to. I was thinking of an orphanage... Perhabs they are the ones with most need of love. Don't know, we'll see...
This funny feeling of peace and inner order is so strange. Maybe it should have been known to me already... But it is new. Maybe I am just now starting to live actually?