joi, 3 februarie 2011


" takes some fear before I trust, and it takes some tears to make it rust and it takes the dust to have it polished..."

life really does go full circle
you decide to draw a circle and then as soon as the pen reaches the paper and starts to leave the blue line which goes on and on, you just realize that it's not just one circle, it seems more like several circles all in one bigger circle.

like a labirint which starts on one point in the center and finishes in the eternity somewhere.

like a vicious circle. You keep drawing again and again the same circle, and you just see the same things over and over again. Every point has the so well known consequence. Every situation is so familiar, and then you just wonder, how could you do the same mistake again, over and over.

but then something happens... the circle still makes it's way into eternity, and you still see the same things, but they are just a bit different then the things a bit before.
the circles go round and round, but they grow into being life.

life is a vicious circle, but you just keep learning from it...again and again

have a nice day :)

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