joi, 14 aprilie 2011

feelings all in a bottle

incerc sa raman.
adica doar sa raman unde sunt, cum sunt, fara sa joc impotriva mea, fara sa incerc sa cred ca pot intelege, fara sa incerc sa gasesc semnificatii...fara sa incerc sa intru in capul lui :)
calm. o chestie nu prea practicata de mine... ar trebui sa invat
ma simt ciudat.
ma simt trista.
ma simt indagostita...cred.
de asta ma simt ciudat si trista.
n-ar trebui... stiu. but it's just the way I'm made :)
"And I am a weapon of massive consumption
And its not my fault it’s how I’m programmed to function
I’ll look at the sun and I’ll look in the mirror
I’m on the right track yeah we're on to a winner

I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cause I’m being taken over by the fear" me please!

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