luni, 7 martie 2011

memoirs of my travel...

J’ecoute de musique francaise en voyant de Brasov a Budapest. J’en l’aime.
Another three days have passed, and another tousands of thoghts have crossed my mind. I just feel gratefull to have this time for myself, to recolect and put the things to their places. On this voyage of my life I always find myself int he lifes and feelings of others. And that’s the best part of it.
12 hours – enough time for lots of things. To listen and to try to respond, or just to listen , and just pray inside, God, how many sad people on this earth! I wish I could do something!
We arrived, three pairs of crying eyes and huging arms are waiting for me. Lots of smiles, fatigue and some kind of bulversed state of mind… I’m home. I enter the house, I take a look of every room and then I stop at my room. It is just beautiful. My bed, my books, my decoration are all just the way I left them a few months ago. I’m really home.
I love my best friend! She’s the most beautiful gift of God! And not just for me, for him too. It was a piece of heaven that coffee break with you, the cigars we smoke together and the shared pizza. Your friendship means the world for me. Multumesc ca existi, draga mea! Abia astept data viitoare. love.
Norah Jones, driving back home, words and more words, just to split out the thought that keep floating inside. Prayers, I know He will listen to. Oui, je suis si heureuse alors pourqoui le nuit je pleure… I wish I could mention the person I was thinking about mostly. But somehow it’s hard to speak about him, even in front of God.
and the music keeps playing:
„Tu est le jamais de mon toujuours, tu est mon amour, tu est mon amour … :)"

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